Here are some useful methods and properties on form class:




This method is used to add a field to the form. It is used in Form class buildForm method, but it can be also used after form instantiation.

It accepts 3 arguments:

Description Type Required Default
Field name String true -
Field type String false text
Field options Array false []
    ->add('first_name', 'text', [
            'label' => 'First name'


This method is used to add a field before some other field. It’s mostly useful after the form instantiation, if You want to add new field at specific location.

It accepts 4 arguments:

Description Type Required Default
Before field name String true -
Field name String true -
Field type String false text
Field options Array false []
$form = FormBuilder::plain()
    ->add('username', 'text')
    ->add('password', 'password')
    ->add('submit', 'submit');

$form->addBefore('password', 'full_name', 'text');


Similar to addBefore, this method is used to add a field before some other field.

It’s mostly useful after the form instantiation, if You want to add new field at specific location.

It accepts 4 arguments:

Description Type Required Default
Before field name String true -
Field name String true -
Field type String false text
Field options Array false []
$form = FormBuilder::plain()
    ->add('username', 'text')
    ->add('password', 'password')
    ->add('submit', 'submit');

$form->addAfter('password', 'address', 'text');


This method is used when you want to add fields from one form to another form.

It accepts 3 arguments:

Description Type Required Default    
Form which fields will be added Form ChildFormType String true -
$options String false []    
$modify String false false    
<?php namespace App\Forms;

use Kris\LaravelFormBuilder\Form;

class AddressForm extends Form
    public function buildForm()
        $this->add('street', 'text')
            ->add('city', 'text');

class UserForm extends Form
    public function buildForm()
        $this->add('name', 'text')
            ->add('email', 'email')

class CompanyForm extends Form
    public function buildForm()
        $this->add('name', 'text')
            ->add('phone', 'tel')


In situations when there is need for modifying existing field on the form class, we can use this method.

It accepts 4 arguments:

Description Type Required Default
Field name to modify String true -
New field type for the field String false text
Field options to add/overwrite Array false []
Should options be totally overwritten Boolean false false
$form = FormBuilder::plain()
    ->add('username', 'text')
    ->add('submit', 'submit');

$form->modify('username', 'text', [
    'attr' => ['disabled' => true]


Since forms can be reused, sometimes certain fields are not needed in different places. Using this method we can remove those fields.

It accepts 1 argument:

Description Type Required Default
Field name to remove String true -
$form = FormBuilder::plain()
    ->add('username', 'text')
    ->add('email', 'email')
    ->add('submit', 'submit');



Note: This method is deprecated and will be removed in version 2. Pass model through options when creating a form. More info in Form options section

After form instantiation, we can set the model for the form, that will be used to bind values for the fields in the form.

$model = User::find(1);

$form = FormBuilder::plain()
    ->add('username', 'text')
    ->add('email', 'email')

Another way to pass the model is through formOptions parameter:

$model = User::find(1);

$form = FormBuilder::plain(['model' => $model])
    ->add('username', 'text')
    ->add('email', 'email')


Get the model that was passed to the form class. Can be used in buildForm for referencing some relationship or data from the model, or after the instantiation.

<?php namespace App\Forms;

use Kris\LaravelFormBuilder\Form;

class CommentForm extends Form
    public function buildForm()
        $this->add('body', 'textarea');

        if ($this->getModel()->owner === \Auth::id()) {
            $this->add('publish', 'checkbox');


Get the current request.

returns Illuminiate\Http\Request instance.


Get all fields of the single Form class.

returns Array of fields.


Get single field from the Form class.

It accepts 1 argument:

Description Type Required Default
Name of the field String true -
$model = User::find(1);

$form = FormBuilder::plain(['model' => $model])
    ->add('username', 'text')
    ->add('email', 'email')

$usernameField = $form->get('username');

Note: Another way to get single field from the Form class is getting it by property. Form class has magic methods that handle finding fields.

Using above form:

    $usernameField = $form->username;


Disable all fields in a form, by adding disabled attribute to the fields. Useful when you only want to use form as read only.

$form = FormBuilder::create('App\Forms\SearchForm');



Enable all fields in a form, by removing disabled attribute to the fields.

$form = FormBuilder::create('App\Forms\SearchForm');



These options are passed to the view into the Form::open method.

If Form class will always have same method or url during it’s usage, it’s good pratice to set this property on the form class to avooid repeating.

Type: Array Default: ['method' => 'GET', 'url' => null]

<?php namespace App\Forms;

use Kris\LaravelFormBuilder\Form;

class SearchForm extends Form
    protected $formOptions = [
        'method' => 'GET',
        'url' => '/search'

    public function buildForm()
        $this->add('term', 'text');

And then it’s enough to call this:

$form = FormBuilder::create('App\Forms\SearchForm');


This property is used to determine if we want to show validation errors in the form under each field.

Type: Boolean

Default: true


Since version 1.6.30 form automatically generates html5 validation properties in html. Setting this to false will remove those properties.

Type: Boolean

Default: true